Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Journey Towards a Future that Works for ALL...

It's not too late to be part of creating a Montessori Community for all!  The conference may be over, but the journey has just begun! 

The Concepts
Although impossible to express the intangible and magical quality of connection, hope, and possibility that was kindled as Paul Born led conference participants on a brief tour of "Deepening Community" and "Collective Impact",  it is important to share some of the experiences and concepts, to build our community's "pool of shared meaning" (a concept from Crucial Conversations that refers to the importance of getting all the relevant information out in the open, as this is the "birthplace of synergy").

Carefully considered and structured exercises which created the time and space to deeply listen to each other's stories (about why Montessori education so important, especially at this moment in history, and what matters most to us about Montessori) gave participants a glimmer of the profound inner shift that is possible on the individual and collective level which might transform how we think and work together going forward.

This tapping into our shared values enabled participants to open our minds, hearts, and wills as we collectively considered:  How might we work together to live out the values of Montessori and transform our community and world?

It became clear that the answer is not about working harder (everyone is already doing everything they can), but about working better together!  Hope was kindled as we realized that by working together differently, we might change the circumstances of children everywhere -- in a way that none of us could do on our own.

Paul Born introduced the concept of Collective Impact -- a way to declare our longing for larger scale outcomes, and understand a system so we can talk about working together in a more systematic way. It gets us thinking together about, "Who is part of the system we wish to affect and how might we engage them?"  "How do we engage more broadly?" "How do we connect with parents, alumni, schools, neighbors, businesses, policy makers, and get them active and engaged -- get them to care?" Paul emphasized that it is hard for people to "care for" something, if they don't feel "cared about". We began to consider, "How might we begin caring for each other, including those with diverse voices and perspectives?"

The power of Collective Impact is magnified by deepening community.  It will only be by getting to know one another -- sharing our stories, enjoying each other, caring for one another -- that we will be successful in working together for a better world!

To Join or Not to Join the Journey?
Paul Born helped us realize that ultimately, we don't need agreement on WHAT we are doing, so much as WHERE WE ARE GOING TOGETHER!  While this collective understanding is something that will only unfold as we turn towards, and get to know, each other, conversations throughout the weekend, and the stories of the 2014 Distinguished Ohio Montessorians, suggested a possible direction -- towards Dr. Montessori's ultimate vision -- the possibility of a different future, a more peaceful future, for children and society.  

Are we ready to embark on the journey towards collectively actualizing this possibility?

Given a taste of the magic of deepening community, and a glimpse of how we might create a bigger impact together, are we ready to venture off the trail of "business as usual" to explore unchartered territtory and pioneer paths towards a future that works for all?  Will we give the time and energy needed to turn towards one another? Will we develop the courage and curiosity needed to explore and experiment with what we might create together?  Will we tolerate the discomfort that comes from shifting our mindsets towards a greater awareness of the whole, recognizing ourselves as integral parts of that whole, and embracing the participatory nature of life that we nourish in our children?

Collective Impact and Deepening Community are powerful concepts but not easy ones! They will require us to learn new ways of thinking, working, and being together! Truly revolutionizing society and how children are cared for and educated, will require the gifts that we give Montessori children each day -- learning how to learn, learning by doing, embracing mistakes, and finding joy in the process of discovery.

The journey towards a peaceful future will not be clear or easy, but it promises to be meaningful! Opportunity is knocking -- will we answer?

"It doesn’t matter where we start -- it just matters that we start!"
If we know where we are going together, and commit to ways of being with each other, we don't need to "figure it all out" before we get started!  Instead, we are freed to embark on an iterative process where we do, measure, tweak -- repetitively do, measure, and improve our way forward together.  It will be a simulaneous process where we "build the plane as we are traveling down the runway together" -- a thrilling process!

As we continue the "meta-process" of HOW to move forward together, we are simultaneously getting started by doing!  Sunday's Open Space event at the conference gave participants the opportunity to collaborate with individuals throughtout the state and nation!  We invite you to join these projects, as their momentum and potential grows!  


A Glass Classroom!  Based on the Model that Dr. Montessori presented at the World’s Fair in 1915, imagine hosting a glass classroom in Ohio for the public to view and learn about the Montessori Pedagogy!

Ohio Montessori History Project!  Ohio's history is long and full of Montessori individuals and organizations who have pioneered great change! Imagine documenting this history for the future -- individual oral histories, school histories, AND a timeline!

Regulation Relief! Imagine there was a way for accountability to be self-regulated in a way that would build recognition for Montessori education and the Montessori teaching credential, as well as educate and protect parents!  Join the conversation about the MF Validation Model!

Special Education: Cultivating Capacity and Community!  Imagine if there were ongoing conversations, learning, and support related to special education; if Montessori-relevant special education resources were aggregated!

Spreading the Word! Public Awareness campaigns are being created, including a "WHY MONTESSORI" brochure that any school could use with their logo for marketing purposes!

And so much more!!!!  Email us to learn more and get involved in any of these collaborative initiatives!

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