I attended the NAMTA conference, “Essential Montessori Mathematics: Implementing Authentic Montessori in the Public Sector”, held in Maryland from October 11-14, 2012. It captured the importance of Montessori education, and kindled hope that it will soon be an option available to more children.
Essential Montessori Math and “Psycho Disciplines”
As parents, we are often amazed at what our children are learning in a Montessori classroom. But however impressive, knowledge acquisition is only part of the process, not the primary purpose. The conference’s luminary speakers drew upon Dr. Montessori’s book, Psychogeometry, to emphasize that the purpose of work in a Montessori environment goes beyond knowledge acquisition and into the development of mind and personality.
Concern for the development of the mind and cultivation of the entire personality of each child runs counter to the measurement-oriented, accountability-focused culture currently dominating the field of education. Yet it has critical implications for society and our children’s future. With today’s mounting challenges, subject area knowledge is important, but not enough. The world needs what Montessori education nurtures: individuals who are engaged, compassionate, collaborative, creative, self-motivated, and passionate; lifelong learners with growth mindsets and autotelic personalities (learn more here). But how can Montessori education touch the lives of more of tomorrow’s citizens and leaders?
Authentic Montessori in the Public Sector
Profound commitment to grow authentic Montessori education in the public sector was evident throughout the conference. A highlight was visiting Capital Hill Montessori at Logan, a thriving, authentic Montessori public school in Washington, DC.
In 1983 there were fewer than 100 Montessori public schools in the United States; by 1992 there were more than 400. (A census is being conducted to determine current numbers). Growth of Montessori in the public sector has happened -- thanks to the heroic efforts of Montessori pioneers (several of whom spoke at the conference about the rewards and challenges of implementing authentic Montessori in the public sector).
But what I sensed at the NAMTA conference is the potential for a seismic shift. There is a critical mass of notable educators, leaders, visionaries, and researchers who are committing time, money and resources to collaboratively create a brilliant, methodical strategy; one which kindles hope that authentic Montessori may indeed be coming, in the not so distant future, to a public school near you.
OMA is committed to sharing information and resources! This entry was written for a Montessori School newsletter. All schools are welcome to use this summary.
Thank you for sharing, Laureen Golden. With this post you've extended the reach of this NAMTA conference! Much appreciated!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sheryl, for your kind words and ongoing efforts to promote awareness and support for Montessori!!!