Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We CAN Create What We Know is Possible!

Dr. Montessori's understanding of the world is so distinct from the prevalent worldview, that is has remained on the margins for over 100 years.  And yet, each member of our community discovered it -- often by synchronicity and chance -- and it resonated deeply within us, which suggests that in our bodies we know another way to be in this world; the possibility for a more just, harmonious, and sustainable future that works for all.

Together, we can create what we know, deep inside us, is possible!  Together, our power to create the world for which we long, is magnified exponentially!

Recognizing our community's power to affect change, Montessorians around the globe are linking up by forming a network of networks. Here are 2 small steps, that if each of us took, would make a big difference in our community's capacity to work as a unified whole:
1.  Make sure your school is included in the National Montessori Census, as it will be the foundation for research, advocacy, inclusion and support.
2.  Link your networks to other networks! Click here to sign up for the OMA Communications Network (mailing list).

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